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Learning to move through play "The Feldenkrais method"

  • Start : 25.09.2024 , 18:15 - 19:15
  • Course management : Martin Brunner-Kühr, NN NN
  • Course fee: € 204,00 AK100
  • Bahnhofstraße 44
    9020 Klagenfurt
  • Course number: 24H0172130
  • Teaching units: 12x1,2UE
Mindful movement brings us into the here and now and opens up a very personal space of experience. It is a sensual entry into the universe of our embodied existence. "I am convinced that the unity of mind and body is an objective reality. They are not just individual parts that somehow relate to each other; in their function they form an inseparable whole. A brain without a body could not think." Moshe Feldenkrais; "Mind and Body" 1964