VHS Carinthia Homepage

The Gifted City - Carinthian history in the Hall of Arms

  • Start : 23.11.2024 , 14:00 - 15:30
  • Course management : Horst Ragusch
  • Course fee: € 15,00
  • Bahnhofstraße 44
    9020 Klagenfurt
  • Course number: 24H0112003
  • Teaching units: 1x1.8 UE
Information: Due to the topographical conditions, please wear sturdy shoes and weatherproof clothing.
In 1518, Emperor Maximilian donated the princely city of Klagenfurt to the Carinthian provincial estates. Horst Ragusch is known for his exciting stories - the former parish tower guard knows the history behind them and introduces us to the beautiful coat of arms hall in a different way.