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Acrylic painting for beginners - weekend course

  • Start : 27.09.2024 , 18:00 - 21:00
  • Course management : Gabriele Graf
  • Course fee: € 140,00
  • Rekabachweg 8
    9073 Klagenfurt
  • Course number: 24H0161003
  • Teaching units: Total: 16.8 units
Information: Materials will be provided and charged according to consumption during the course - approx. 80 Eur. Please bring work clothes and 1 liter water glass (cup)
If you think you can't draw. Get involved in painting with Ms. Graf and you will be amazed. Color theory and composition, painting techniques and good tips for successful pictures. During the course you will paint 4-5 pictures to take home with you. Gabriele Graf has been painting for 40 years: Painting in acrylic, portrait, porcelain, in the style of Gustav Klimt and Hundertwasser: she has a studio in Graz and in Klagenfurt. Short breaks during the course. Saturday: small lunch together. This course will be held as a weekend course. Friday: 18-21 hrs, Saturday:10 - 17 hrs, Sunday: 10-14 hrs