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Batik - making fabric pictures

  • Start : 15.11.2024 , 11:00 - 15:00
  • Course management : Maryam Basiji
  • Course fee: € 120,00
  • Bahnhofstraße 44
    9020 Klagenfurt
  • Course number: 24H0161005
  • Teaching units: Total: 9.6 units
Information: Materials will be provided - a fee of 30 Eur is payable on site.
Each fabric painting is unique and made using a process where each layer of paint has to be applied individually (wax is used to cover the edges and lines). Patterns and ornaments are applied in a picture and become a unique work of art. These pictures have an incredible effect. These pictures can often be seen in Africa or in Asia - a showpiece is on display at the adult education center in Klagenfurt - you are welcome to come and see it. The artist is from Iran and studied and taught at the University of Tehran. She is active in jewelry design and painting. She already has the support of well-known painters in Austria for her works. Would you like to try out a new technique? No previous knowledge necessary.