VHS Carinthia Homepage

Nude make-up + style advice

  • Start : 09.10.2024 , 17:00 - 20:20
  • Course management : Nadja Tschinder
  • Course fee: € 54,00
  • Bahnhofstraße 44
    9020 Klagenfurt
  • Course number: 24H0171001
  • Teaching units: 1x4 UE
Information: Note: 11.00 Please bring your own materials! The consultation is independent of brands. Please do not park in the private parking lots of the building residents or in front of the adjacent stores.
Without make-up and yet with make-up: This workshop is all about this secret. During the course you will use color charts to see which type you correspond to (spring - winter type). The color check is carried out - whether you are wearing the right shade of color for your type. You will be surprised! You are welcome to bring your make-up items, including brushes, so that we can see whether you are using the right colors/products. If you don't have anything, you don't need to bring anything. It is not necessary to buy anything before the course.