VHS Carinthia Homepage

Massage according to the Bowen method

  • Start : 25.10.2024 , 13:00 - 15:30
  • Course management : Christina Galle
  • Course fee: € 120,00
  • Pharmaziegasse 5
    9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
  • Course number: 24H0172047
  • Teaching units: 1x3 UE
Information: Blanket or mat, massage oil, bath towel, loose clothing, thick socks, writing materials
Bowtech (R) is a muscle and fascia method that acts directly on the pain receptors, reduces stress and promotes physical and emotional well-being. It works on the whole body - with series of gentle but precise grips on specific areas of the body. This treatment is carried out with the person wearing clothing. The aim is to stimulate the body to heal itself. Areas affected by Bowen (R): - Nervous system and mental well-being - Improvement of chronic health conditions - Entire musculoskeletal system (complaints in the neck, shoulders, spine, pelvis, knees, etc.)