VHS Carinthia Homepage

Forest yoga

  • Start : 13.09.2024 , 09:00 - 11:30
  • Course management : Ulrike Knely
  • Course fee: € 108,00
  • Warmbader Str. 130
    9504 Villach-Warmbad Villach
  • Course number: 24H0272032
  • Teaching units: 3x3 UE
Information: Water bottle, yoga mat and in bad weather: rain boots
Escape the stress of everyday life with its sensory overload, tunnel vision and overload. Immerse yourself holistically in the atmosphere of the forest and practise light, meditative exercises that bring relaxation and clear your head. This event takes place outdoors. If the weather is bad, we offer forest bathing and explore the soothing atmosphere of the forest, including information about its beneficial effects.