Non-violent communication - cooperation instead of confrontation
Start :
26.03.2025 , 18:30 - 21:00 -
Course management :
Barbara Roshan
Course fee :
€ 39,00 AK100 -
VHS, 8. Mai Straße 20 (2. Stock) Seminarraum 2
Course number:
25F0141001 -
Teaching units:
1x3 UE
Writing utensils; willingness for self-reflection
Do you want to be right or happy? Would you rather be happy and at the same time not "sit on your needs"? Non-violent communication according to Marshall Rosenberg shows us a way to achieve this. The evening offers you the opportunity to get to know the method and the attitude in a practical way and to experience how and when it "works". So that conflicts can be resolved for the benefit of all and real peace becomes possible.
Non-violent communication according to Marshall Rosenberg is an effective method of conducting difficult conversations in a way that benefits everyone. It is a way of developing a consciously mindful, appreciative and sincere approach to oneself and others, which can be very profound. The exercises are based on examples from the participants' everyday professional and private lives.
For beginners and slightly advanced participants.