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Lesen, Schreiben, Rechnen und PC für Erwachsene

Ohne ausreichende Fähigkeiten im Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen ist die Beteiligung am Alltagsleben und in der Arbeitswelt erheblich erschwert.

Wenn Sie Ihre Lese- und Schreibkenntnisse auffrischen und trainieren wollen, dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig: In Kleingruppen lesen Sie Texte, üben Rechtschreibung und Grammatik. Außerdem können Sie bei uns die Grundrechnungsarten wiederholen und erlernen einfache Computeranwendungen.

Die angebotenen Kurse ermöglichen lernungewohnten Personen das Erwerben von grundlegenden Kenntnissen und Fertigkeiten, die für die eigenständige Gestaltung des Lebens und das aktive Handeln in unserer Gesellschaft notwendig sind.

  • Kursorte: Villach, Klagenfurt, Spittal, Wolfsberg, St. Veit, Feldkirchen, Völkermarkt
  • Dauer: September bis Mitte Juli / Einstieg jederzeit möglich!
  • Zeit: tagsüber und abends (1-2x pro Woche)
  • Kosten: Die Kurse sind kostenlos!


Teilnehmer:innen-Statements und Video

“Mein Mann weiß nicht, dass ich nicht gut schreiben kann. Wenn etwas zum Ausfüllen war, habe ich meine Schwestern gefragt oder mich so herausgeredet.” Ursula, 43 Jahre

“Seitdem ich den Kurs besuche, fühle ich mich so lebendig.” Johannes, 29 Jahre

“Alleine einen Brief oder Bewerbung schreiben können, ohne dass es jemand kontrollieren muss, ist einfach herrlich.” Peter, 48 Jahre

Die Mutmacher:innen – Die Mutmacher*innen - YouTube

Das Team

  • © Roman Huditsch

    Tanja Leitner

    Bereichsleitung Projekte & Programme, Pädagogische Leitung

  • Carmen Zeginigg

    Administration Projekte & Programme

  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Larissa Ogris

    Administration Projekte & Programme

  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Gerlinde Wedenig


  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Alexandra Buchner


  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Maryam Asgari


  • Corinna Schenk


  • Christina Mayer


From our range of courses

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 27.03.2025

    German as a second language A1/2

    A1/2 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/2 course is just right for you.

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 27.03.2025

    Online relaxation evenings - your conscious time-out for yourself

    Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bring peace to your thoughts and your life. Treat yourself to a regular break from everyday life with a meditation session, a fantasy journey o…

  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 27.03.2025

    Online - "Super brain" - learn vocabulary in seconds

    Who wouldn't want to be able to learn vocabulary in a matter of seconds? And have fun at the same time? The keyword method not only helps you to grasp vocabulary faster, but also to remember it for lo…

  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 27.03.2025

    Digital Everywhere: Digital helpers - simply deal with official channels online

    Doing official business online and saving time? No problem with ID Austria and the Digital Office! In this workshop, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up, use and install the ne…

  • Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
    VHS Spittal
    from 27.03.2025

    Tarot calling for beginners

    Learn the luxury variant of the tarot game and look forward to exciting evenings with your fellow players.

  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Villach
    from 28.03.2025

    #Keep fit+: Parents as learning companions - practical tips for learning at home

    This workshop is aimed at parents and anyone interested in actively supporting children and young people in the learning process. Specific strategies, tools and tips are provided to create an ideal le…

  • Creativity and design (SK8)
    VHS Wolfsberg
    from 28.03.2025

    Sensory training based on Lavanttal wines

    Using wines from the Lavanttal and beyond, the aim is to train the ability to describe aroma and taste impressions. Each training session will have its own focus topic, which can be co-determined by t…

  • Creativity and design (SK8)
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 28.03.2025

    Painting after Klimt or Hundertwasser - weekend course

    In this course you will paint 1 60x60 picture by Klimt or Hundertwasser. 8 different motifs are available to you. The motif is copied onto the The motif is copied onto the canvas and you can start pai…

  • Creativity and design (SK8)
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 28.03.2025

    Old craft: basket weaving

    Design your own basket in this workshop. Using natural wickerwork materials such as rattan and colorful accents, you can make beautiful gift and everyday baskets in various sizes. After registering fo…

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 28.03.2025

    Foot reflexology for home use

    With foot reflexology, we can activate/strengthen/relax our body organs in a simple and wonderful way - depending on what we need at the time. The practical course shows you where the body's organ zon…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 27.03.2025

German as a second language A1/2

A1/2 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/2 course is just right for you.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 27.03.2025

Online relaxation evenings - your conscious time-out for yourself

Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bring peace to your thoughts and your life. Treat yourself to a regular break from everyday life with a meditation session, a fantasy journey o…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Feldkirchen
from 27.03.2025

Online - "Super brain" - learn vocabulary in seconds

Who wouldn't want to be able to learn vocabulary in a matter of seconds? And have fun at the same time? The keyword method not only helps you to grasp vocabulary faster, but also to remember it for lo…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Klagenfurt
from 27.03.2025

Digital Everywhere: Digital helpers - simply deal with official channels online

Doing official business online and saving time? No problem with ID Austria and the Digital Office! In this workshop, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up, use and install the ne…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
VHS Spittal
from 27.03.2025

Tarot calling for beginners

Learn the luxury variant of the tarot game and look forward to exciting evenings with your fellow players.

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Villach
from 28.03.2025

#Keep fit+: Parents as learning companions - practical tips for learning at home

This workshop is aimed at parents and anyone interested in actively supporting children and young people in the learning process. Specific strategies, tools and tips are provided to create an ideal le…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 28.03.2025

Sensory training based on Lavanttal wines

Using wines from the Lavanttal and beyond, the aim is to train the ability to describe aroma and taste impressions. Each training session will have its own focus topic, which can be co-determined by t…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 28.03.2025

Painting after Klimt or Hundertwasser - weekend course

In this course you will paint 1 60x60 picture by Klimt or Hundertwasser. 8 different motifs are available to you. The motif is copied onto the The motif is copied onto the canvas and you can start pai…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 28.03.2025

Old craft: basket weaving

Design your own basket in this workshop. Using natural wickerwork materials such as rattan and colorful accents, you can make beautiful gift and everyday baskets in various sizes. After registering fo…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 28.03.2025

Foot reflexology for home use

With foot reflexology, we can activate/strengthen/relax our body organs in a simple and wonderful way - depending on what we need at the time. The practical course shows you where the body's organ zon…