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Willkommen in der VHS Villach


Die Volkshochschule Villach ist die zweitgrößte Bezirksstelle in Kärnten mit rund 700 Kursen pro Jahr, die von 200 Kursleiter:innen durchgeführt werden. Besonders beliebt sind unsere Angebote aus den Fachbereichen Sprachen sowie Bewegung & Gesundheit, stark zunehmend ist das Interesse im Bereich Kreativität & Kulinarik.

Mit hoher Flexibilität setzen wir rasch und individuell an jedem Kursort im Bezirk Villach vom Einzelcoaching bis zu Gruppenkursen Bildungsmaßnahmen um. Wo wir – noch nicht – vertreten sind, können wir jedoch schnell und flexibel für (Klein-)Gruppen das gewünschte Kursangebot organisieren und damit auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse aller interessierten Personen eingehen. 

Vom passgenauen Einzelcoaching, um mit Ihnen konkrete Fragen zur Anwendungen auf ihrem digitalen Endgeräten zu klären, über Nachhilfestunden in Kleingruppen bis hin zu Angeboten zur Stärkung der Gesundheit. Rufen Sie uns an, wir beraten Sie gerne persönlich.

Neben unserem flexiblen Jahresprogramm werden an der Volkshochschule Villach folgende Angebote durchgeführt:

  • AK Lerncoaching
  • Nachhilfe im Rahmen der Kärntner Familienkarte
  • Deutschkurse für Personen aus der Grundversorgung des Landes Kärnten
  • ÖIF Prüfungen A1, A2, B1, B2
  • AK-Bildungsprogramm für die Beschäftigten in Gesundheits-, Pflege- und Sozialberufen
  • AK digi:check - kostenlose Kurse für Anfänger:innen und Profis, um den digitalen Horizont zu erweitern
  • Frauenakademie - Die Frauenakademie ist seit 1997 eine wichtige Kooperation des Villacher Frauenbüros und der Volkshochschule Villach. Auf die Villacherinnen wartet ein umfangreiches und interessantes Kursprogramm, welches jährlich neu zusammengestellt wird. Das Angebot der Frauenakademie richtet sich an jede Altersgruppe und bietet eine gute Grundlage zur Weiterbildung und gemeinsamen Austausch.
  • Pre-Summer-School - Die Stadt Villach bietet dabei in Kooperation mit den Kärntner Volkshochschulen Kindern, die das verpflichtende letzte Kindergartenjahr besuchen und Sprachförderung erhalten die Möglichkeit, sich auf das Schulleben vorzubereiten. 

Unsere Kursorte im Bezirk: Villach, Arnoldstein, Feistritz an der Drau, Finkenstein am Faaker, See, Treffen, Velden am Wörthersee

Volkshochschule Finkenstein
Zweigstellenkoordination: Ulrike Warum
T 0680 146 46 16
E vhs-finkenstein@vhsktn.co.at

Finden Sie im VHS Journal eine Auswahl unseres Kursangebotes Frühjahr 2025

VHS Journal Villach

  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Felicitas Wachschütz

    Bezirksstellenkoordination, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Marketing, Koordination Projekte & Programme

  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Sabine Kessler-Tributsch

    Pädagogische Mitarbeit

  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Melissa Bidaj Šalja

    Administration VHS Klassik

  • © VHS Kärnten Copyright

    Heike Ressler-Schmoliner

    Administration VHS Klassik


Fit für die Schule und für jedes Schulfach - Kostenlose Nachhilfe

REGinA - regionale individuelle Ausbildungen für Frauen

REGinA begleitet Frauen bei Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildungen für eine bessere berufliche Zukunft. Lassen Sie uns Ihnen helfen, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Das Angebot ist für alle Teilnehmerinnen kostenlos!

© PSA I canva

Pflichtschulabschluss - Es ist nie zu spät!

From our range of courses

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 27.03.2025

    German as a second language A1/2

    A1/2 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/2 course is just right for you.

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 27.03.2025

    Online relaxation evenings - your conscious time-out for yourself

    Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bring peace to your thoughts and your life. Treat yourself to a regular break from everyday life with a meditation session, a fantasy journey o…

  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 27.03.2025

    Online - "Super brain" - learn vocabulary in seconds

    Who wouldn't want to be able to learn vocabulary in a matter of seconds? And have fun at the same time? The keyword method not only helps you to grasp vocabulary faster, but also to remember it for lo…

  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 27.03.2025

    Digital Everywhere: Digital helpers - simply deal with official channels online

    Doing official business online and saving time? No problem with ID Austria and the Digital Office! In this workshop, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up, use and install the ne…

  • Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
    VHS Spittal
    from 27.03.2025

    Tarot calling for beginners

    Learn the luxury variant of the tarot game and look forward to exciting evenings with your fellow players.

  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Villach
    from 28.03.2025

    #Keep fit+: Parents as learning companions - practical tips for learning at home

    This workshop is aimed at parents and anyone interested in actively supporting children and young people in the learning process. Specific strategies, tools and tips are provided to create an ideal le…

  • Creativity and design (SK8)
    VHS Wolfsberg
    from 28.03.2025

    Sensory training based on Lavanttal wines

    Using wines from the Lavanttal and beyond, the aim is to train the ability to describe aroma and taste impressions. Each training session will have its own focus topic, which can be co-determined by t…

  • Creativity and design (SK8)
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 28.03.2025

    Painting after Klimt or Hundertwasser - weekend course

    In this course you will paint 1 60x60 picture by Klimt or Hundertwasser. 8 different motifs are available to you. The motif is copied onto the The motif is copied onto the canvas and you can start pai…

  • Creativity and design (SK8)
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 28.03.2025

    Old craft: basket weaving

    Design your own basket in this workshop. Using natural wickerwork materials such as rattan and colorful accents, you can make beautiful gift and everyday baskets in various sizes. After registering fo…

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Klagenfurt
    from 28.03.2025

    Foot reflexology for home use

    With foot reflexology, we can activate/strengthen/relax our body organs in a simple and wonderful way - depending on what we need at the time. The practical course shows you where the body's organ zon…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 27.03.2025

German as a second language A1/2

A1/2 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/2 course is just right for you.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 27.03.2025

Online relaxation evenings - your conscious time-out for yourself

Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bring peace to your thoughts and your life. Treat yourself to a regular break from everyday life with a meditation session, a fantasy journey o…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Feldkirchen
from 27.03.2025

Online - "Super brain" - learn vocabulary in seconds

Who wouldn't want to be able to learn vocabulary in a matter of seconds? And have fun at the same time? The keyword method not only helps you to grasp vocabulary faster, but also to remember it for lo…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Klagenfurt
from 27.03.2025

Digital Everywhere: Digital helpers - simply deal with official channels online

Doing official business online and saving time? No problem with ID Austria and the Digital Office! In this workshop, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up, use and install the ne…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
VHS Spittal
from 27.03.2025

Tarot calling for beginners

Learn the luxury variant of the tarot game and look forward to exciting evenings with your fellow players.

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Villach
from 28.03.2025

#Keep fit+: Parents as learning companions - practical tips for learning at home

This workshop is aimed at parents and anyone interested in actively supporting children and young people in the learning process. Specific strategies, tools and tips are provided to create an ideal le…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 28.03.2025

Sensory training based on Lavanttal wines

Using wines from the Lavanttal and beyond, the aim is to train the ability to describe aroma and taste impressions. Each training session will have its own focus topic, which can be co-determined by t…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 28.03.2025

Painting after Klimt or Hundertwasser - weekend course

In this course you will paint 1 60x60 picture by Klimt or Hundertwasser. 8 different motifs are available to you. The motif is copied onto the The motif is copied onto the canvas and you can start pai…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 28.03.2025

Old craft: basket weaving

Design your own basket in this workshop. Using natural wickerwork materials such as rattan and colorful accents, you can make beautiful gift and everyday baskets in various sizes. After registering fo…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 28.03.2025

Foot reflexology for home use

With foot reflexology, we can activate/strengthen/relax our body organs in a simple and wonderful way - depending on what we need at the time. The practical course shows you where the body's organ zon…