Fascia Yoga & Hatha Yoga in Micheldorf
Start :
13.03.2025 , 18:00 - 19:00 -
Course management :
Elfriede Gölli
Course fee :
€ 125,00 AK100 -
Gesundheitszentrum Agathenhof
Course number:
25F3172003 -
Teaching units:
10x1,2 UE
Your own yoga mat, comfortable clothing, blanket for the final relaxation and time for yourself and your body
In the yoga sessions for women, exercises from hatha yoga are combined with fascial movements. The body is holistically activated, strengthened and stretched. Breathing exercises and mindful body awareness are also incorporated into the class. The class provides relaxation and flexibility while giving you more energy.
Both beginners and experienced female yoginis are welcome!