"Cultural tour - Tandln, handln & einkehrn"
Start :
08.04.2025 , 15:00 - 16:30 -
Course management :
Margarethe Maria Theresia Zaucher
Course fee :
€ 25,00 AK100 -
Treffpunkt Brunnen, Hauptplatz 9560 Feldkirchen
Course number:
25F0910012 -
Teaching units:
1x1.8 UE
Meeting point at the fountain, main square, 9560 Feldkirchen
Immerse yourself in the history of Feldkirchen with the state-certified tourist guide Greti Zaucher and be enchanted by the fascinating mix of past and present. Even in Roman times, Feldkirchen was an important hub for trade, refreshments and traffic: Tandln, handln einkehrn - these three terms describe the hustle and bustle of the market, which was not only a place of trade but also of social life. Feldkirchen's four quarters and the river - the Tiebel - played a central role. There were numerous mills, sawmills and hammer mills along the river, which were driven by the water power of the Tiebel. The construction of the railroad in the second half of the 19th century was a very important development for the market, although people were initially afraid of the hissing locomotive. This cultural tour offers exciting facts, interesting facts and amusing anecdotes for locals and visitors alike.