Genealogy - Family and ancestor research
Start : 25.06.2025 , 15:00 - 19:00
Course management : Johannes Lebitsch
Course fee : € 85,00 AK100
ÖGB Room 4
Bahnhofstraße 44
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee -
Course number: 25F0112011
Teaching units: Total: 12 hours
To bring along / Info: 15 Eur for documents (who wants them) separately
Learn the basics of family and genealogical research in this course.
After a theoretical introduction to relevant source genres, the Carinthian archive landscape and tips and tricks for historical work, including a brief introduction to Kurrent script, you will take the first steps towards creating a family tree, a genealogical table or your house and farm history using examples you have brought along or selected.
May 7, 3-7 p.m.: Theory part, Bahnhofstrasse 44, 9020 Klagenfurt, ÖGB Room 4
May 14, 10 am - 4 pm, excursion to the Provincial Archives in Klagenfurt and then to the Diocese of Gurk,
Meeting point: 10 a.m. Landesarchiv, St. Ruprechter Str. 7 (on request)