Healthy through full-body training and relaxation
Start :
25.02.2025 , 19:10 - 20:25 -
Course management :
Jolanta Schiedlbauer
Course fee :
€ 130,00 AK100 -
BG Lerchenfeld gymnasium II
Lerchenfeldstraße 22
9020 Klagenfurt -
Course number:
25F0172005 -
Teaching units:
12x1.5 UE
Slippers compulsory! Towel, gym mat
Gentle exercises from the fields of yoga, Pilates, spinal, stabilization and fascia gymnastics are performed carefully. By strengthening and stretching the entire musculature, muscle tension is released, joints are relieved and connective tissue is made more elastic. We improve our mobility and posture and activate the metabolism. Conscious breathing supports relaxation and well-being.