Strengthen yourself - self-defense course for women
Attention! This course is canceled!
Start :
31.03.2025 , 17:30 - 21:00 -
Course management :
Carmen Petutschnig
Course fee :
€ 110,00 -
Spittal AK/ÖGB - Saal 1, 2. Stock
Course number:
25F2874001 -
Teaching units:
2x4.2 UE
Writing utensils
Self-defense - self-assertion - self-confidence - self-assurance for women aged 18 and over.
Course content:
- mental, verbal, physical self-defense - self-perception / perception of others
- Posture, body language, communication, voice training
- Development of possible solutions in everyday situations (work, family, leisure)
- Derivation/defense exercises
- Setting boundaries
- Mental strengthening
-Safety first - preventive measures off- and online
Course content:
- mental, verbal, physical self-defense - self-perception / perception of others
- Posture, body language, communication, voice training
- Development of possible solutions in everyday situations (work, family, leisure)
- Derivation/defense exercises
- Setting boundaries
- Mental strengthening
-Safety first - preventive measures off- and online