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Das brandneue Herbst-/Winterprogramm ist da!

Über 1.400 Kurse in ganz Kärnten - von KI bis Upcycling

Mit über 1.400 Kursen steht Ihnen ein vielfältiges Programm zu Verfügung, das von den Klassikern bis hin zu aktuellen Themenschwerpunkten wie Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit reicht. 

AK-Bildungsgutschein: Lernen leicht gemacht!

Besonders attraktiv für alle Mitglieder der Arbeiterkammer Kärnten: Alle mit dem Symbol „AK 100“ gekennzeichneten Kurse werden durch den AK-Bildungsgutschein gefördert. Ein echtes Highlight für 2024 – nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um sich weiterzubilden und dabei zu sparen.

Wichtig für Teilnehmer:innen: Wenn Sie 2024 den AK-Bildungsgutschein für einen VHS-Kurs einlösen möchten, müssen Sie sich vor Kursbeginn über die Akademie der Arbeiterkammer einloggen (www.ak-akademie.at) und sich selbstständig für Ihren Wunschkurs anmelden!


Von Künstlicher Intelligenz bis Upcycling – in unserem Bildungsmenü für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei! 

Beispielsweise können Teilnehmer:innen in Schach für Einsteiger:innen, Familienforschung, und bei Sprachreisen nach Italien oder rund um die Riegersburg neue Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse erwerben. Kulturelle Highlights, wie das Cinema italiano am K3 Film Festival oder eine Kurator:innenführung im Museum der Stadt Villach, laden ebenfalls zum Entdecken ein. Im Bereich VHS Green stehen praxisorientierte Kurse zur Verfügung: Von Energieeinsparungen durch Sonnenenergie, Survival für Einsteiger:innen, bis hin zum professionellen Obstbaumschnitt – Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt.

Entfalten Sie Ihre Kreativität in den Kunstkursen, z. B. bei Ölmalerei in der Manier alter Meister, beim Deko-Loop für Zuhause, oder probieren Sie sich im kleinen Baristakurs aus. Kulinarische Workshops, von chinesischer Küche bis hin zu Kochkursen mit dem Thermomix, ergänzen das Angebot perfekt.
Sportlich geht es weiter mit Angeboten wie Hula-Hoop Fitness, Taiji Quan oder Langlaufen. Auch mentale und körperliche Gesundheit stehen mit angeboten wie Rückenschule 55+ oder Bauchtanz im Vordergrund. Mit der Initiative Digital Überall gibt es für digitale Einsteiger:innen eine Vielzahl an Workshops. Zudem stehen Einzeltrainings in den Bereichen Sprache & Digitale Kompetenz zu Verfügung, bei denen Sie auch individuell über Ort, Zeit und Inhalte entscheiden können.

Beratung gewünscht?
Für eine persönliche oder telefonische Beratung steht Ihnen das Team der Kärntner Volkshochschulen gerne zu Verfügung! 



From our range of courses

Languages (SK1) from 28.09.2024
Online - Italian B1/1 with advanced knowledge

You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses help you to improve your languag…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur from 28.09.2024
Creative writing weekend in the fall

The aim of this retreat from everyday life is to devote oneself entirely to writing. Together we will concentrate entirely on our own writing. During these two days, you will find your way into your o…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 28.09.2024
Online - Yoga Weekend Flow

Creativity and design (SK8) from 28.09.2024
Portrait painting for beginners - weekend course

We start with sketches of the eyes, nose, lips and ear. Then the overall shape of the head. These sketches are done in pencil on paper. Light coloring of the pencil sketches with acrylic paint. Materi…

Creativity and design (SK8) from 28.09.2024
Ukulele - introductory course

The ukulele is the four-stringed mini guitar, which became known primarily through Hawaiian music. The instrument is becoming increasingly popular, probably also because it is relatively easy to learn…

Creativity and design (SK8) from 28.09.2024
Natural portrait photography

This course is aimed at photographers with a basic knowledge of digital photography who want to improve their understanding and skills in natural portrait photography. From basic equipment to fine-tun…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 28.09.2024
Safely along the Gail by e-bike

Would you like to learn the basics of riding an e-bike in order to increase your safety and enjoyment? This course combines one-hour riding technique training in the practice area with a subsequent ri…

Science, technology and the environment (SK2) from 29.09.2024
Survival for beginners

In this one-day workshop, you will learn how to meet the basic needs of warmth, sleep, water and food and how to find your way with a map and compass. Together with Paul Ulrich, you will spend a day i…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 30.09.2024
Meditating in everyday life

Meditation is highly effective and efficient. Not only to stay calm and relaxed in stressful everyday life, but also to increase physical and mental well-being. However, only those who meditate regula…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 30.09.2024
Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is also known as the yoga of everyday life, which is why it is suitable for everyone. The exercises are tailored to the group. The focus is on mindfulness and the joy of movement. A Kun…

Languages (SK1) from 28.09.2024
Online - Italian B1/1 with advanced knowledge

You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses help you to improve your languag…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur from 28.09.2024
Creative writing weekend in the fall

The aim of this retreat from everyday life is to devote oneself entirely to writing. Together we will concentrate entirely on our own writing. During these two days, you will find your way into your o…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 28.09.2024
Online - Yoga Weekend Flow

Creativity and design (SK8) from 28.09.2024
Portrait painting for beginners - weekend course

We start with sketches of the eyes, nose, lips and ear. Then the overall shape of the head. These sketches are done in pencil on paper. Light coloring of the pencil sketches with acrylic paint. Materi…

Creativity and design (SK8) from 28.09.2024
Ukulele - introductory course

The ukulele is the four-stringed mini guitar, which became known primarily through Hawaiian music. The instrument is becoming increasingly popular, probably also because it is relatively easy to learn…

Creativity and design (SK8) from 28.09.2024
Natural portrait photography

This course is aimed at photographers with a basic knowledge of digital photography who want to improve their understanding and skills in natural portrait photography. From basic equipment to fine-tun…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 28.09.2024
Safely along the Gail by e-bike

Would you like to learn the basics of riding an e-bike in order to increase your safety and enjoyment? This course combines one-hour riding technique training in the practice area with a subsequent ri…

Science, technology and the environment (SK2) from 29.09.2024
Survival for beginners

In this one-day workshop, you will learn how to meet the basic needs of warmth, sleep, water and food and how to find your way with a map and compass. Together with Paul Ulrich, you will spend a day i…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 30.09.2024
Meditating in everyday life

Meditation is highly effective and efficient. Not only to stay calm and relaxed in stressful everyday life, but also to increase physical and mental well-being. However, only those who meditate regula…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 30.09.2024
Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is also known as the yoga of everyday life, which is why it is suitable for everyone. The exercises are tailored to the group. The focus is on mindfulness and the joy of movement. A Kun…