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e-Berufsreifeprüfung: Mit Fernlehre flexibel zur Matura!

Die Berufsreifeprüfung ist eine vollwertige Matura und bietet uneingeschränkten Zugang zu österreichischen Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Pädagogischen Hochschulen, Akademien und Kollegs.

Sie möchten die Berufsreifeprüfung nachzuholen? Dabei wollen Sie sich nicht nur weiterbilden, sondern dies auch noch flexibel gestalten? Dann sind Sie bei den Kärntner Volkshochschulen genau richtig!

Mit der „e-Berufsreifeprüfung“ (e-BRP) setzen wir durch eine Kombination aus Fernlehre und Präsenzunterricht auf selbstbestimmtes Lernen und gehen vermehrt auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse ein. Wir bieten einen e-BRP-Lehrgang an, um all jene Personen, die aufgrund von Betreuungspflichten, unregelmäßigen Arbeitszeiten oder regionalen Anbindungen Schwierigkeiten mit den Präsenzzeiten haben, die Teilnahme zu ermöglichen. Das flexible Angebotsspektrum berücksichtigt unterschiedliche Zugänge und modernste Lehr-Lernformate.

Die Module der e-BRP Lehrgänge sind als Fernlernelemente in Kombination mit Präsenzeinheiten konzipiert. Die Kurse finden grundsätzlich einmal pro Woche mit je 4 Unterrichtseinheiten statt. Neben der Möglichkeit diese Kurse vor Ort zu besuchen, kann man an den Kursen auch auf webinar-Basis teilnehmen. Ein Drittel der Einheiten kann von zuhause aus digital verfolgt oder nachgeholt werden. 

Online-Infoveranstaltung zur BRP:  am 25.06.2025 Um teilzunehmen schicken Sie bitte ein Mail an vhs-klagenfurt@ vhsktn.at (Sie erhalten einen Zugangslink zur Infoveranstaltung)

Die Vorbereitungskurse, die ab Oktober 2025 starten werden Mitte März 2025 bekanntgegeben.

Für Ihre persönliche Beratung  ist Fr. Vittori,  08.00-16.00 Uhr für Sie da. Telefonisch: 050 477 7005, vhs-klagenfurt@vhsktn.at 

Anmeldebogen_BRP Kurse
PDF, 83.37 KB
e-BRP Infoblatt.pdf
PDF, 9.69 MB

From our range of courses

  • Health and exercise (SK5) from 30.03.2025

    Try Diving - Try Diving

    In this workshop you will experience the fascinating world of diving. Try diving in the Cap Wörth indoor pool accompanied by experienced diving instructors. Short instruction on the theory of scuba di…

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 31.03.2025

    Online - Yoga and Qigong

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  • Health and exercise (SK5) from 31.03.2025

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  • Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
    VHS Villach
    from 01.04.2025

    #Keep fit:+ Smart Learning with ChatGPT

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  • Health and exercise (SK5)
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    from 01.04.2025

    Group courses at the Leitl fitness studio

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  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 01.04.2025

    Archery Feldkirchen - Health for back & soul

    Traditional archery is an interplay of mind and body. Using a bow and arrow promotes inner peace and helps to release blockages and reduce stress. As a physical workout, it primarily serves to strengt…

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Villach
    from 01.04.2025

    Archery - health for back and soul

    Traditional archery is an interplay of mind and body. Using a bow and arrow promotes inner peace and helps to release blockages and reduce stress. As a physical workout, it primarily serves to strengt…

  • Health and exercise (SK5) from 01.04.2025

    Yoga for postnatal recovery (mama-baby yoga)

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  • Health and exercise (SK5) from 01.04.2025

    Flow yoga for adults

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  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Villach
    from 01.04.2025

    Body shaping

    Burn fat with upbeat music, problem zone training and figure toning. Abdominal, leg and buttock training, sometimes using aids such as stepboards, dumbbells or elastic bands.

Health and exercise (SK5) from 30.03.2025

Try Diving - Try Diving

In this workshop you will experience the fascinating world of diving. Try diving in the Cap Wörth indoor pool accompanied by experienced diving instructors. Short instruction on the theory of scuba di…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 31.03.2025

Online - Yoga and Qigong

We combine the teachings of the Far East in one course - traditional yoga with masterful movement qui gong. Tailored to our demanding lives. For beginners and advanced practitioners.

Health and exercise (SK5) from 31.03.2025

Group courses at "Fia mi"

You can flexibly choose your desired course program from the group courses offered at "Fia mi" (yoga, health gymnastics, functional training). The courses take place on the following dates: Yoga: Thur…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Villach
from 01.04.2025

#Keep fit:+ Smart Learning with ChatGPT

In this two-part webinar, participants will first delve into the theoretical basics of ChatGPT: How does this AI work, what are the mechanisms behind it and what should you bear in mind when dealing w…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 01.04.2025

Group courses at the Leitl fitness studio

You will be shown exercises to mobilize and strengthen your back and neck muscles, which specifically strengthen the back and neck and build up the muscles. The spine is mobilized, tensions are releas…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 01.04.2025

Archery Feldkirchen - Health for back & soul

Traditional archery is an interplay of mind and body. Using a bow and arrow promotes inner peace and helps to release blockages and reduce stress. As a physical workout, it primarily serves to strengt…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Villach
from 01.04.2025

Archery - health for back and soul

Traditional archery is an interplay of mind and body. Using a bow and arrow promotes inner peace and helps to release blockages and reduce stress. As a physical workout, it primarily serves to strengt…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 01.04.2025

Yoga for postnatal recovery (mama-baby yoga)

The course teaches yoga exercises aimed at strengthening the areas of the body that are stressed by pregnancy and birth. In addition, breathing and relaxation exercises are performed together with you…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 01.04.2025

Flow yoga for adults

This yoga practice includes flowing physical exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques that are suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Villach
from 01.04.2025

Body shaping

Burn fat with upbeat music, problem zone training and figure toning. Abdominal, leg and buttock training, sometimes using aids such as stepboards, dumbbells or elastic bands.