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VHS young

Offene Jugendarbeit in den VHS Jugendzentren

Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 11 und 19 Jahren heißen wir in den Youth Points Welzenegg und Fischl herzlich willkommen. Wir bieten einen Raum, um sich mit Freunden zu treffen und um gemeinsam den jeweiligen Hobbies und Interessen nachgehen zu können.

Die Möglichkeiten der Freizeitgestaltung in den Youth Points sind vielfältig und reichen von Gesellschaftsspielen, Konsolen, Tischfußball, Billard, gemeinsames Kochen und Essen, sportliche Aktivitäten bis hin zur Chillout Zone und gemeinsamen Ausflügen und Events.

Ebenso besteht die Möglichkeit zur Hilfestellung und Beratung bei Problemen oder herausfordernden Situationen in der Schule, mit Freunden, bei der Arbeitssuche etc.

Unser Angebot wird laufend erweitert und den Bedürfnissen angepasst, zudem gibt es die Möglichkeit an unterschiedlichen Workshops teilzunehmen. 

Das gesamte Angebot ist für Jugendliche freiwillig und kostenfrei zugänglich. Die Jugendlichen können jederzeit ohne Voranmeldung während den Öffnungszeiten in den Youth Points vorbeischauen. Aktuelle Informationen sind laufend auf unserer Instagram Seite zu finden.

Jugendzentrum Fischl

Fischlstraße 69, 9020 Klagenfurt
M: Youthpoint-fischl@vhsktn.at
T:  0676 845 870 901

Instagram: youthpointfischl
Snapchat: ypfischl
Discord: yp-fischl#2056

Dienstag - Freitag: 14-00 - 20.00 Uhr

Handbuch - mitCover
Broschüre - Beratung in der Offenen Jugendarbeit
Jugendzentrum Welzenegg

Irnigstraße 2, 9020 Klagenfurt
M: Youthpoint-welzenegg@vhsktn.at
T: 0676 845 870 902

Instagram: juze_welzenegg
Snapchat: juzewelze 
Discord: Juze_Welze#9289

Dienstag - Freitag: 14.00 - 20.00 Uhr


Das Team

Lisa Hagen.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Lisa Hagen

Koordination VHSyoung

Benjamin Sprachmann.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Benjamin Sprachmann

VHSyoung Pädagogische Fachkraft

Carina Murnig.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Carina Murnig

VHSyoung Pädagogische Fachkraft

Julia Kofler.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Julia Kofler

VHSyoung Pädagogische Fachkraft

Paul Andritsch.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Paul Andritsch

VHSyoung Pädagogische Fachkraft

From our range of courses

Languages (SK1) from 29.01.2025

English B1 Conversation

B1 with advanced knowledge You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses help …

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Hermagor
from 29.01.2025

Yoga for body, mind and soul

Yoga nourishes body, mind and soul. Find your strength with - Relaxation to reduce stress - Physical exercises for more flexibility and strength - Breathing exercises - Meditation to calm the mind and…

Languages (SK1) from 29.01.2025

English A1/1 without previous knowledge

Are you a complete beginner or only know a few words of a language and want to finally learn the language in a good and structured way? No problem! Choose one of the A1/1 courses to learn the language…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Wolfsberg
from 29.01.2025

IT course at the kitchen table V

Take the opportunity to improve your IT skills in your familiar surroundings. The training can be booked by individuals or small groups. 1-person coaching 45/UE 2-person coaching 30/UE/participant 3-p…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 29.01.2025

English, A2/5

A2/5 with solid previous knowledge In this course the A2 level is repeated and deepened.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 29.01.2025

Back training - Healthy and fit - GLANEGG

Master everyday life in a back-friendly way with the joy of movement and thus avoid tension and back pain. Correct your posture by becoming aware of poor posture. Coordinated exercises to improve stre…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 29.01.2025

Top fitness through targeted spinal exercises

Prevent spinal problems with this exercise and improve your strength and general fitness. The holistic muscle training and stretching also promotes general well-being.

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 29.01.2025

Cooking like in Tuscany with Cooking Catrin

Delicious recipes from Tuscany are cooked together. A menu with 5-6 courses is created. Fresh bread is baked. Drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are included in the material price) Cooking Cat…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 29.01.2025

English A1/5

A1/5 with little previous knowledge In this course, the A1 level is repeated, deepened and, if necessary, the participants are prepared for the A1 exam. Prerequisite: basic knowledge - present simple/…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Völkermarkt
from 30.01.2025

Power Pilates

Power Pilates is a more intensive form of Pilates in which the movements are performed faster and more powerfully. It combines elements of Pilates with elements of fitness and strength training. The c…

Languages (SK1) from 29.01.2025

English B1 Conversation

B1 with advanced knowledge You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses help …

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Hermagor
from 29.01.2025

Yoga for body, mind and soul

Yoga nourishes body, mind and soul. Find your strength with - Relaxation to reduce stress - Physical exercises for more flexibility and strength - Breathing exercises - Meditation to calm the mind and…

Languages (SK1) from 29.01.2025

English A1/1 without previous knowledge

Are you a complete beginner or only know a few words of a language and want to finally learn the language in a good and structured way? No problem! Choose one of the A1/1 courses to learn the language…

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Wolfsberg
from 29.01.2025

IT course at the kitchen table V

Take the opportunity to improve your IT skills in your familiar surroundings. The training can be booked by individuals or small groups. 1-person coaching 45/UE 2-person coaching 30/UE/participant 3-p…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 29.01.2025

English, A2/5

A2/5 with solid previous knowledge In this course the A2 level is repeated and deepened.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 29.01.2025

Back training - Healthy and fit - GLANEGG

Master everyday life in a back-friendly way with the joy of movement and thus avoid tension and back pain. Correct your posture by becoming aware of poor posture. Coordinated exercises to improve stre…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 29.01.2025

Top fitness through targeted spinal exercises

Prevent spinal problems with this exercise and improve your strength and general fitness. The holistic muscle training and stretching also promotes general well-being.

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 29.01.2025

Cooking like in Tuscany with Cooking Catrin

Delicious recipes from Tuscany are cooked together. A menu with 5-6 courses is created. Fresh bread is baked. Drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are included in the material price) Cooking Cat…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 29.01.2025

English A1/5

A1/5 with little previous knowledge In this course, the A1 level is repeated, deepened and, if necessary, the participants are prepared for the A1 exam. Prerequisite: basic knowledge - present simple/…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Völkermarkt
from 30.01.2025

Power Pilates

Power Pilates is a more intensive form of Pilates in which the movements are performed faster and more powerfully. It combines elements of Pilates with elements of fitness and strength training. The c…