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Pflichtschulabschluss - Es ist nie zu spät!

PSA I canva

Du hast keinen Abschluss der 8. Schulstufe und möchtest eine Basis für deine berufliche Zukunft schaffen? Willst du deine Möglichkeiten und Chancen im Beruf verbessern und mehr Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit im Alltag gewinnen? Dann hol jetzt den Pflichtschulabschluss nach! 

Die Anmeldung mit einem persönlichen Gespräch ist jederzeit möglich.


  • mind. 16 Jahre bei Prüfungsantritt
  • Deutschkompetenz Niveau A2
  • Kein bzw. negativer Abschluss der 8. Schulstufe (einzelne negativ beurteilte Fächer können „ausgebessert“ werden) 
  • Bereitschaft zur regelmäßigen und aktiven Teilnahme am Unterricht


  • kostenlos
  • Unterricht an vier bis fünf Tagen bzw. Abenden pro Woche (Unterrichtszeiten je nach Standort unterschiedlich)
  • Unterricht in Kleingruppen
  • Insgesamt müssen sechs Prüfungen abgelegt werden:
    • 4 Pflichtgegenstände: Deutsch, Englisch, Mathematik und Berufsorientierung
    • 2 Wahlfächer: Kreativität und Gestaltung, Gesundheit und Soziales, Natur und Technik
  • Beratung und begleitende Unterstützung


  • Klagenfurt
  • Villach
  • Spittal
  • Wolfsberg

Kostenlose Beratung jederzeit möglich unter 0676 845 870 302

Du bist arbeitslos, beim AMS gemeldet und hast keinen Abschluss der 8 Schulstufe, dann bist auch du bei uns richtig. Die AMS Pflichtschullehrgänge umfassen dieselben Inhalte wie beschrieben und werden in Villach und Klagenfurt angeboten. 

Kostenlose Beratung jederzeit möglich unter 0676 845 870 102


Infoblatt PSA
PDF, 289.88 KB
PSA Flyer
PDF, 1.56 MB
Infoblatt Farsi
PDF, 245.89 KB
Infoblatt Arabisch
PDF, 191.52 KB

Das Team

Tanja Leitner_Team.jpg
© Roman Huditsch

Tanja Leitner

Bereichsleitung Projekte & Programme, Pädagogische Leitung

Christiane Fiegele_MARTAGILLNER137WHITE.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Christiane Fiegele

Koordination Projekte & Programme

Birgit Lexer.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Birgit Lexer-Golob


Mira Aineter .jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Mira Aineter


Andrea Feichtner: Training

Andrea Feichtner


Kerstin Oberrainer: Training

Kerstin Oberrainer


Birgit Grabner: Training

Birgit Grabner


Marc Glintschnig: Training

Marc Glintschnig


Natalia Summers_MARTAGILLNER135WHITE.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Natalia Summers


Nicole Grabner.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Nicole Grabner

Derzeit in Karenz

From our range of courses

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Hermagor
from 22.01.2025

Baking bread with natural sourdough

In this course, you will learn the basics of bread baking step by step. Together with the other participants, you will make your own moist bread with natural sourdough. You will also receive informati…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 22.01.2025

Online relaxation evenings - your conscious time-out for yourself

Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bring peace to your thoughts and your life. Treat yourself to a regular break from everyday life with a meditation session, a fantasy journey o…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 22.01.2025

Italian, A1/2

A1/2 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/2 course is just right for you.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 22.01.2025

OutdoorFIT on the Kreuzbergl

OutdoorFIT is a combination of endurance training and full-body strengthening in the great outdoors for beginners and advanced athletes. We move around on the Kreuzbergl and stop again and again to st…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 23.01.2025

Italian A1/2 with little previous knowledge

Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't taken it any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right for you. Continuation course of Italia…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Völkermarkt
from 23.01.2025

Spinal gymnastics

Targeted exercises counteract poor posture, strengthen the core muscles and improve the mobility of the spine. Exercises to promote body awareness ensure optimal relaxation. This training for the spin…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025


This strengthening, stretching and flexibility training helps to keep your back healthy. During the course, you will mobilize parts of your body that have become immobile and strengthen weaker muscle …

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025

QIGONG Hui Chun Gong for advanced learners

Qigong are soft, round movements that are performed while standing. Each exercise has its own sequence. Individually adapted, the exercises are feasible for EVERYONE. The metabolism and blood circulat…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Bread with a difference: the art of baking bread

Step by step, you will learn all about baking bread. All course participants make their own moist bread. Information on types of grain and flour, purchasing, storage and tips and tricks round off the …

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Italian in the morning, A1/3 - continuation

A1/3 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/3 course is just right for you.

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Hermagor
from 22.01.2025

Baking bread with natural sourdough

In this course, you will learn the basics of bread baking step by step. Together with the other participants, you will make your own moist bread with natural sourdough. You will also receive informati…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 22.01.2025

Online relaxation evenings - your conscious time-out for yourself

Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bring peace to your thoughts and your life. Treat yourself to a regular break from everyday life with a meditation session, a fantasy journey o…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 22.01.2025

Italian, A1/2

A1/2 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/2 course is just right for you.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 22.01.2025

OutdoorFIT on the Kreuzbergl

OutdoorFIT is a combination of endurance training and full-body strengthening in the great outdoors for beginners and advanced athletes. We move around on the Kreuzbergl and stop again and again to st…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 23.01.2025

Italian A1/2 with little previous knowledge

Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't taken it any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right for you. Continuation course of Italia…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Völkermarkt
from 23.01.2025

Spinal gymnastics

Targeted exercises counteract poor posture, strengthen the core muscles and improve the mobility of the spine. Exercises to promote body awareness ensure optimal relaxation. This training for the spin…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025


This strengthening, stretching and flexibility training helps to keep your back healthy. During the course, you will mobilize parts of your body that have become immobile and strengthen weaker muscle …

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025

QIGONG Hui Chun Gong for advanced learners

Qigong are soft, round movements that are performed while standing. Each exercise has its own sequence. Individually adapted, the exercises are feasible for EVERYONE. The metabolism and blood circulat…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Bread with a difference: the art of baking bread

Step by step, you will learn all about baking bread. All course participants make their own moist bread. Information on types of grain and flour, purchasing, storage and tips and tricks round off the …

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Italian in the morning, A1/3 - continuation

A1/3 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/3 course is just right for you.