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Regionalstelle für Erasmus+ Jugend und das Europäischen Solidaritätskorps

Als Regionalstelle für Erasmus+ Jugend und das Europäischen Solidaritätskorps (ESK) sind die Kärntner Volkshochschulen die Anlaufstelle in Kärnten zu Fragen rund um die beiden EU-Förderprogramme.

Regionalstelle für Erasmus+ Jugend und das Europäischen Solidaritätskorps

Was sind Erasmus+ und das Europäische Solidaritätskorps?

Erasmus+ ist das Förderprogramm der Europäischen Kommission für Bildung, Jugend und Sport von 2021-2027. Das Europäische Solidaritätskorps ermöglicht es jungen, engagierten Menschen Freiwilligendienste im Ausland zu absolvieren. 

Mit dem Erasmus+ Jugend Programm fördert die Europäische Union non-formale Bildung junger Menschen und den außerschulischen Jugendbereich. Junge Menschen zwischen 13 und 30 Jahren können sich für Jugendbegegnungen oder Youth Participation Activities bewerben. Die Teilnehmer:innen beteiligen sich am gesellschaftlichen und demokratischen Leben. 

Personen, die im Jugendbereich tätig sind, stehen mit den Fachkräftemobilitäten Weiterbildungsangebote geschaffen, die den grenzüberschreitenden Austausch und Wissenstransfer zwischen Einrichtungen im Jugendsektor garantieren. 

Fördermöglichkeiten von Erasmus+ Jugend: 
Lernmobilitäten für Einzelpersonen (KA1)

  • Jugendbegegnungen
  • Youth Participation Acitivities
  • Fachkräftemobilitäten

Kooperationsprojekte für Organisationen (KA2)

  • Small-Scale Partnerschaften
  • Kooperationspartnerschaften

Das Europäische Solidaritätskorps (ESK) ist ein Jugendförderprogramm und hilft jungen Menschen zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren dabei, sich auf lokaler Ebene oder im Ausland zu engagieren. Sie haben die Möglichkeit an vielfältigen Aktivitäten und Projekten, die der Gemeinschaft zugutekommen mitzuwirken. 

Fördermöglichkeiten des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps


From our range of courses

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 06.02.2025

Vegan meets TCM quick, light-as-a-feather dishes

Create delicious vegan dishes in this cooking workshop and learn how to integrate regional and predominantly organic food into your everyday life. While eating the dishes afterwards, you will learn pr…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 06.02.2025

Russian A1/4 with little previous knowledge

Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't taken it any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right for you.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 06.02.2025

Moving light as a feather with Feldenkrais

Less is more: how can I move more elegantly, save muscle strength and become more precise at the same time? Through repeated movement sequences, I learn to combine subtlety and efficiency and at the s…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
VHS Hermagor
from 06.02.2025

Kurrent script for beginners

In this course you will learn to read and write Kurrent script step by step. Old documents such as letters, contracts and/or diaries can be deciphered.

Languages (SK1)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 06.02.2025

German A2/1 with solid previous knowledge

You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and write simple texts. Then the A2/1 to …

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Feldkirchen
from 06.02.2025

Digital Everywhere: Digital helpers - simply deal with official channels online

Doing official business online and saving time? No problem with ID Austria and the Digital Office! In this workshop, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up, use and install the ne…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 07.02.2025

Exercise class for body, mind & soul

Gain more vitality and joie de vivre: gentle and deep strengthening of the muscles stabilizing and mobilizing the spine and joints Every movement follows the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation Feel "…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 07.02.2025

"From snapping to photographing": the basics of digital photography

This course is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their understanding and skills in digital photography, whether they are beginners or amateur photographers. From learning the basic technical aspect…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Spittal
from 07.02.2025

German as a second language, A2/1

A2 with solid previous knowledge You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and writ…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 11.02.2025

Ripartiamo con un intermezzo - Con piacere nuovo B1/2

B1 with advanced knowledge You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses help …

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 06.02.2025

Vegan meets TCM quick, light-as-a-feather dishes

Create delicious vegan dishes in this cooking workshop and learn how to integrate regional and predominantly organic food into your everyday life. While eating the dishes afterwards, you will learn pr…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 06.02.2025

Russian A1/4 with little previous knowledge

Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't taken it any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right for you.

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 06.02.2025

Moving light as a feather with Feldenkrais

Less is more: how can I move more elegantly, save muscle strength and become more precise at the same time? Through repeated movement sequences, I learn to combine subtlety and efficiency and at the s…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
VHS Hermagor
from 06.02.2025

Kurrent script for beginners

In this course you will learn to read and write Kurrent script step by step. Old documents such as letters, contracts and/or diaries can be deciphered.

Languages (SK1)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 06.02.2025

German A2/1 with solid previous knowledge

You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and write simple texts. Then the A2/1 to …

Vocational and job-oriented education WITHOUT IT
VHS Feldkirchen
from 06.02.2025

Digital Everywhere: Digital helpers - simply deal with official channels online

Doing official business online and saving time? No problem with ID Austria and the Digital Office! In this workshop, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to set up, use and install the ne…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 07.02.2025

Exercise class for body, mind & soul

Gain more vitality and joie de vivre: gentle and deep strengthening of the muscles stabilizing and mobilizing the spine and joints Every movement follows the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation Feel "…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 07.02.2025

"From snapping to photographing": the basics of digital photography

This course is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their understanding and skills in digital photography, whether they are beginners or amateur photographers. From learning the basic technical aspect…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Spittal
from 07.02.2025

German as a second language, A2/1

A2 with solid previous knowledge You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and writ…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 11.02.2025

Ripartiamo con un intermezzo - Con piacere nuovo B1/2

B1 with advanced knowledge You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses help …