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Home Projekte CONCORDIA


Jede/r hat eine Geschichte - Digital Storytelling


Harnessing the power of digital media tools to prevent the radicalisation of vulner-able youth”

Die Macht der digitalen Medien nutzen, um die Radikalisierung von gefährdeten Jugendlichen zu verhindern.

Geplante Projektziele/Aktivitäten:
Bedarfsanalyse und Forschungsbericht als Grundlage für die Produkte
Curriculum zur kontinuierlichen Weiterbildung von Fachkräften
Tool-Kit mit Arbeitsvorlagen
3 Kurzvideos für social media Kanäle wie Youtube oder Facebook
3 kurze Audio-Dateien für dieselben social media Kanäle
Beispiel für einen Web-Blog
Beispiel für eine Facebook-Seite
Beispiel für einen Twitter-Feed
Beispiel für einen Instagram Account
E-Learning Portal
Online Observatory mit Best Practices
Strategiepapier - Bekämpfung der Radikalisierung gefährdeter Jugendlicher
Verbreitungsworkshops in allen Partnerländern
Fachkräftetraining in Schwerin/Parchim für alle Partnerländer

Partnerländer: Österreich, Deutschland, Rumänien, Tschechien, Irland, Frankreich, Finnland und Zypern.

September 2016 – 31. August 2018

Projektleitung:               Mag.a Beate Gfrerer
Projektkoordination:     Mag. Mathias Kuchernig, Bakk.

Öffentliche Fördergeber
Nationale Agentur DE04 - JUGEND für Europa

Projekthomepage: http://www.concordia.website/

Materialien zu Concordia

Die Macht der digitalen Medien nutzen, um die Radikalisierung von gefährdeten Jugendlichen zu verhindern.

Doch wie funktioniert das in der Praxis? Hier finden Sie Informationen, Inspirationen, Beispiele, Vorschläge und Materialien sowie Links zu Materialien und Inputs, die im Rahmen des Concordia-Projektes entwickelt wurden, sowie zur Concordia-Website.

Output #4: Concordia E-Learning-Protal (Registrierung erforderlich)
Output #5: Concordia Online-Beobachtungsstelle für bewährte Verfahren


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From our range of courses

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 24.02.2025

    Italian, A1/4

    A1/4 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/4 course is just right for you.

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 24.02.2025

    Spanish, B1/3

    B1/3 with advanced knowledge You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses hel…

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Hermagor
    from 24.02.2025

    English, A1/5

    A1/5 with little previous knowledge In this course, the A1 level is repeated, deepened and, if necessary, the participants are prepared for the A1 exam.

  • Languages (SK1) from 24.02.2025

    Italian A1/2

    A1/2 - A1/4 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't gone any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right…

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 24.02.2025

    Croatian - Nema Problema, A2/4

    A2/4 with solid previous knowledge You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and wr…

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 24.02.2025

    Andiamo avanti, B2

    B2 with very good knowledge If you can understand conversations, broadcasts about current events and familiar topics, formulate personal texts, feelings and wishes, summarize a film or a book, then ch…

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Villach
    from 24.02.2025

    Parliamo italiano, A2/5

    A2 with solid previous knowledge You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and writ…

  • Health and exercise (SK5)
    VHS Feldkirchen
    from 24.02.2025

    Online - Hatha Yoga

    Hatha yoga strengthens and stretches the muscles, making the body more flexible improves body awareness and has a positive effect on the mind. thoughts. This relaxes both body and mind. The yoga postu…

  • Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
    VHS Villach
    from 25.02.2025

    The enormous impact of family structures

    In this course, you will discover how your family tree is not just a mere collection of names and dates, but a valuable source full of living stories and experiences that have shaped and continue to s…

  • Languages (SK1)
    VHS Wolfsberg
    from 25.02.2025

    German as a second language A1/1 without prior knowledge

    Are you a complete beginner or only know a few words of a language and want to finally learn the language in a good and structured way? No problem! Choose one of the A1/1 courses to learn the language…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 24.02.2025

Italian, A1/4

A1/4 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/4 course is just right for you.

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 24.02.2025

Spanish, B1/3

B1/3 with advanced knowledge You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions relating to family, shopping or work. You can talk about your job and write personal texts. The B1 courses hel…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Hermagor
from 24.02.2025

English, A1/5

A1/5 with little previous knowledge In this course, the A1 level is repeated, deepened and, if necessary, the participants are prepared for the A1 exam.

Languages (SK1) from 24.02.2025

Italian A1/2

A1/2 - A1/4 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't gone any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 24.02.2025

Croatian - Nema Problema, A2/4

A2/4 with solid previous knowledge You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and wr…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 24.02.2025

Andiamo avanti, B2

B2 with very good knowledge If you can understand conversations, broadcasts about current events and familiar topics, formulate personal texts, feelings and wishes, summarize a film or a book, then ch…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 24.02.2025

Parliamo italiano, A2/5

A2 with solid previous knowledge You can formulate very simple questions and understand answers when it comes to everyday things. You can give information about your background, fill in forms and writ…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 24.02.2025

Online - Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga strengthens and stretches the muscles, making the body more flexible improves body awareness and has a positive effect on the mind. thoughts. This relaxes both body and mind. The yoga postu…

Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur
VHS Villach
from 25.02.2025

The enormous impact of family structures

In this course, you will discover how your family tree is not just a mere collection of names and dates, but a valuable source full of living stories and experiences that have shaped and continue to s…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 25.02.2025

German as a second language A1/1 without prior knowledge

Are you a complete beginner or only know a few words of a language and want to finally learn the language in a good and structured way? No problem! Choose one of the A1/1 courses to learn the language…