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Home Projekte Bildungs- und Berufsberatung Kärnten

Bildungs- und Berufsberatung Kärnten

professionell. vertraulich. kostenlos. neutral.

Die Berufs- und Bildungswelt ist heutzutage sehr vielfältig und manchmal ist es nicht einfach den richtigen Weg zu finden. Unsere erfahrenen Berater:innen unterstützen Sie gerne und erarbeiten mit Ihnen die Möglichkeiten für Ihre berufliche Zukunft.

In einem persönlichen Gespräch beantworten wir Ihnen all Ihre wichtigen Fragen rund um die Themen:

  • Berufsfindung
  • Neuorientierung
  • Wiedereinstieg
  • Aus- und Weiterbildungen
  • Kompetenzen
  • Anerkennungen
  • Finanzielle Förderungen

Die Beratungen sind kostenfrei, unabhängig und vertraulich.

Vereinbaren Sie noch heute Ihren persönlichen Termin in Ihrer Region online unter bildungsberatung-kaernten.at oder telefonisch unter 0463 50 46 50.

Entdecken Sie Ihre Kompetenzen

PDF, 2.03 MB

Wir bieten zusätzlich ein breitgefächertes Workshop-Angebot für die persönliche Weiterentwicklung:

  • Kompetenz+Beratung: Was steckt in mir?
  • Meine beWerbung
  • Selbstbewusst in die berufliche Zukunft
  • Ausbildung und Arbeiten in Österreich

Auf Anfrage kommen wir in Betriebe, Bildungseinrichtung, zu Vereinen etc. und informieren in einem Workshop oder Vortrag über ein gewünschtes Bildungsthema wie z.B. Wege nach der Matura, ….

Das Team

Wir sind ein gut ausgebildetes und erfahrenes Team, welches gut vernetzt ist und die Bildungslandschaft sehr ausführlich kennt. Jede einzelne Geschichte liegt uns am Herzen und wir freuen uns immer unsere Kund:innen ein Stück weit begleiten zu dürfen.

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© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Marlene Aichholzer-Pahr

Stv. Bereichsleitung Projekte & Programme

Angelina Bürger Boschi.jpg

Angelina Bürger-Boschi

Bildungs - und Berufsberatung

Ulrike Scheiring Vogl.jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Ulrike Scheiring-Vogl

Bildungs - und Berufsberatung

Janina Themessl.png
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Janina Karner

Bildungs - und Berufsberatung

Nadine Meraus. .jpg
© VHS Kärnten Copyright

Nadine Meraus

Buchhaltung, Administration Projekte & Programme

Hannes Fabian: Bildungs - und Berufsberatung

Hannes Fabian

Bildungs - und Berufsberatung

Sara Goritschnig: Derzeit in Karenz

Sara Goritschnig

Derzeit in Karenz

From our range of courses

Languages (SK1)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 23.01.2025

Italian A1/2 with little previous knowledge

Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't taken it any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right for you. Continuation course of Italia…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Völkermarkt
from 23.01.2025

Spinal gymnastics

Targeted exercises counteract poor posture, strengthen the core muscles and improve the mobility of the spine. Exercises to promote body awareness ensure optimal relaxation. This training for the spin…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025


This strengthening, stretching and flexibility training helps to keep your back healthy. During the course, you will mobilize parts of your body that have become immobile and strengthen weaker muscle …

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025

QIGONG Hui Chun Gong for advanced learners

Qigong are soft, round movements that are performed while standing. Each exercise has its own sequence. Individually adapted, the exercises are feasible for EVERYONE. The metabolism and blood circulat…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Bread with a difference: the art of baking bread

Step by step, you will learn all about baking bread. All course participants make their own moist bread. Information on types of grain and flour, purchasing, storage and tips and tricks round off the …

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Italian in the morning, A1/3 - continuation

A1/3 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/3 course is just right for you.

Languages (SK1)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 23.01.2025

Online - Croatian for beginners, A1/1

A1/1 without previous knowledge Are you a complete beginner or only know a few words of a language and want to finally learn the language in a good and structured way? No problem! Choose one of the A1…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 23.01.2025

Spanish B1 with advanced knowledge

You understand the main ideas of clear and coherent texts on topics with which you are familiar. At level B1, you can write simple and coherent texts on topics with which you are familiar or which are…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 24.01.2025

Small barista course

In this barista course, you will be taught theoretical and practical content to expand your skills in the world of coffee. Theoretical part: In the theoretical part, you will experience a fascinating …

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Villach
from 25.01.2025

SAFE at every turn - Basic extended: Winter hike Warmbad

The winter season has begun! Are you ready to discover the snow-covered mountain world? Whether winter hiking or walking with snowshoes, now is the perfect time to take your first steps into the winte…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Wolfsberg
from 23.01.2025

Italian A1/2 with little previous knowledge

Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't taken it any further or have forgotten a lot? Then one of our A1/2 to A1/4 courses is just right for you. Continuation course of Italia…

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Völkermarkt
from 23.01.2025

Spinal gymnastics

Targeted exercises counteract poor posture, strengthen the core muscles and improve the mobility of the spine. Exercises to promote body awareness ensure optimal relaxation. This training for the spin…

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025


This strengthening, stretching and flexibility training helps to keep your back healthy. During the course, you will mobilize parts of your body that have become immobile and strengthen weaker muscle …

Health and exercise (SK5) from 23.01.2025

QIGONG Hui Chun Gong for advanced learners

Qigong are soft, round movements that are performed while standing. Each exercise has its own sequence. Individually adapted, the exercises are feasible for EVERYONE. The metabolism and blood circulat…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Bread with a difference: the art of baking bread

Step by step, you will learn all about baking bread. All course participants make their own moist bread. Information on types of grain and flour, purchasing, storage and tips and tricks round off the …

Languages (SK1)
VHS Villach
from 23.01.2025

Italian in the morning, A1/3 - continuation

A1/3 with little previous knowledge Have you already learned a little bit of a language, but haven't deepened your knowledge or have forgotten a lot? Then our A1/3 course is just right for you.

Languages (SK1)
VHS Feldkirchen
from 23.01.2025

Online - Croatian for beginners, A1/1

A1/1 without previous knowledge Are you a complete beginner or only know a few words of a language and want to finally learn the language in a good and structured way? No problem! Choose one of the A1…

Languages (SK1)
VHS Klagenfurt
from 23.01.2025

Spanish B1 with advanced knowledge

You understand the main ideas of clear and coherent texts on topics with which you are familiar. At level B1, you can write simple and coherent texts on topics with which you are familiar or which are…

Creativity and design (SK8)
VHS Villach
from 24.01.2025

Small barista course

In this barista course, you will be taught theoretical and practical content to expand your skills in the world of coffee. Theoretical part: In the theoretical part, you will experience a fascinating …

Health and exercise (SK5)
VHS Villach
from 25.01.2025

SAFE at every turn - Basic extended: Winter hike Warmbad

The winter season has begun! Are you ready to discover the snow-covered mountain world? Whether winter hiking or walking with snowshoes, now is the perfect time to take your first steps into the winte…